'Escape from Reality' is Feros's reflection on the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. This piece resonates deeply with the chaotic emotions of the time, illustrating the complexities of war...
"Escape from Reality" is Feros's reflection on the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. This piece resonates deeply with the chaotic emotions of the time, illustrating the complexities of war and its profound impact on the national psyche and individual experiences. The broken plate symbolizes shattered peace, while the horse evokes Ukrainian resilience amidst restrictions. The precariously perched house emphasizes vulnerability, contrasted by the soaring dragonfly that hints at hope and transformation. Ordinary objects disrupted by a crashing plane underscore the war's intrusion into daily life. The escaping figure, plants, and illuminating loop embody persistence, adaptability, and a continuous search for light amidst darkness. Through this work, Feros articulates the turmoil of the Ukrainian crisis, endorsing endurance and the search for peace.