This painting reflects a stage in life where the player faces the consequenc - es of their actions, settling “karmic debts.” It marks a moment of recogniz - ing past...
This painting reflects a stage in life where the player faces the consequenc - es of their actions, settling “karmic debts.” It marks a moment of recogniz - ing past mistakes and beginning to understand the invisible rules governing reality — the laws of karma and cause-and-effect connections. Despite this, the player continues to unconsciously sow karmic seeds, not yet fully grasping their power. At this stage, they only start to suspect its existence. These unseen rules operate regardless of awareness, determining how our actions impact ourselves and others. Here lies the foundation for realizing one’s responsibility for every choice and action, which shapes the further course of the game. In this painting, we see a figure in a dreamlike state, continuing to sow ceramic seeds. These seeds will later sprout into “positive” or “negative” events in their life.