This painting captures the moment when the player becomes attached to their emotional states and sensory experiences. Losing sight of the illusory nature of reality clouds their intellect. The player...
This painting captures the moment when the player becomes attached to their emotional states and sensory experiences. Losing sight of the illusory nature of reality clouds their intellect. The player starts to perceive the world through the lens of their karma, assign - ing significance to events and objects that are, in truth, fleeting and ever-changing. True knowledge is attained only when one learns to listen to their inner voice and remain focused on their essence. This aware - ness helps them avoid the mind’s traps, per - ceiving reality without value judgments or attachments to transient things. In the painting, we see a figure tethered to a symbolic external support in their life, which serves as their foundation. However, as this platform constantly shifts, the player is unable to feel secure or experience uncondi - tional happiness. They appear stuck in place. Yet, through a bright focal point and the ceramic seed materializing from their heart, we see that the player is determined to shift their focus inward—to their inner strength and purity.